Here is an opportunity to learn more about seeking out and marketing to potential clients, securing their business, working with their insurance carrier, and getting paid. Marketing ideas, advertising suggestions, printed materials, web design, face-to-face meetings, speaking engagements and more are addressed to help you get the business you need. Pricing survey results and the line-item time and material suggestions are included as well as how to initiate and follow through on an insurance claim.
This course is jam-packed with ideas you can implement today and includes an in-depth explanation of 27 potential sources of business and how to approach them.
Whether you're in business already, or are just starting out, this course will help bring in more business and potentially improve how you handle your cash flow and collection rate.
YOU HAVE 21 DAYS TO COMPLETE THIS COURSE FROM THE TIME YOU REGISTER. You can stop the course and re-open it as needed. You can review each chapter or portion of each chapter as many times as needed until you feel you understand the material. Once you reach the end of the course, you cannot go back. Just like an in-person course, when it's's over. There is no book, cheat sheet or reference to accompany this course, so it's imperative that you take lots of notes. You can pause slides to give you time to write. If you have questions, I am here to answer, weekdays 10am to 5pm eastern time.
This Course Includes: The Marketing Challenge, Hot Buttons, Promoting Performance, Getting the Message Out, Creating Marketing Materials, Technological or Emotional Perspectives, Promotional Materials, Newsletters, Ads and Articles, The Truth about Websites, Social Media, Sponsoring Events, Face to Face Meetings, Direct Mail, Networking, Educational Seminars, Press Releases, Tracking your Marketing Success, 27 Sources of Business, Contracts, What to Charge, Computer Software for Pricing and Billing, Billing and Collecting, Insurance Claims, Dealing with Adjusters, Collecting from the Client, Slow Payers, Closing Summary, Other Resources.